Tuesday, September 30, 2008

On the mend but brittle

I'm back home from the hospital after 8 days. I'm on the mend but still sore inside. I still feel weak and more than a bit disconnected from reality. I am also walking on tiptoes for fear that I'll do again whatever unknown thing it was that triggered this in the first place. The thought of going through this again scares me to tears!

The doctor tells me that my pancreas is about the size of a football and will slowly shrink back to the normal size of a large human hand. I have a shelf full of pills and a head full of fuzz but should be able to get back to work next week. I need to do something because I could drive myself crazy sitting here for too much longer.

Between the hurricane, the clean up, the hospital and the fact that my Dad put himself in the hospital by letting his blood sugar get away from him ( my Bro in California had to call a 911 on him in Florida) and its easy to see that this has not been a great September. I'm hoping that October will be much much better.

1 comment:

Gina said...

I have had you in my thoughts for some time Phil. Very glad to hear you're on the mend. Recovery takes time though. Let someone pamper you a bit now and then. Sending lots of good wishes for rapidly improving health.