Thursday, September 25, 2008


I am flat on my back in Memorial Herman Hospital. Been here for 7 days and there's no telling how many more I'll be here. I am living from hour to hour on pain medication, the strongest they can give me without having the little green men come out of the woodwork ( which has happened several times already). In between doses, I am literally moaning in pain. They ask on a scale of one to ten with ten being the worst you ever had, what does it feel like today. It's usually around a 7 but that's only because I established ever increasing levels of ten on my first day. They confirmed that this pain is similar in level to the peaks of childbirth, but those last minutes. These have gone on continuously for a week.

My stomach is so bloated that the shorts that I wore to the hospital which fit just fine, now won't go around me by almost a foot. I look pregnant. Because of the pain, the pressure and other things, I have not eaten or drank anything significant that they didn't make me take in for the full week. I have been on a saline drip the whole time so both my arms look like over used pin cushions. That drip and the fact that I don't pee has added 35 pounds to my weight in the last 7 days. I look like the Michelin man. Face, hands feet, everywhere. There is no comfortable position. Even with broken ribs I could find a contorted position where nothing actively hurt. With this, there is no such position.

I have pancreatitis.

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