Saturday, December 1, 2007

On Starting a Blog

Yeah I know. I'm still in the stone age, blog wise. I read several blogs from my family and a few from others that I have met along the way and sometimes I even comment on them. Until today, I never felt the need to have one. I'm not really sure who, if anyone, will want to read my ramblings. On the other hand, I have never kept a diary either, and I guess if no one reads this, it will at least perform that function.

For those of you who stumble upon this blog, I hope that you find something here to interest you and tempt you to come back for more. I'll post a bunch about my rides because that's where I'm at right now, but you will also find things about my hobbies (where does he find the time???), about my family, and an occasional foray into commentary, criticism or outright rant as the spirit moves me.

If you don't find anything of interest, I hope that you can at least take away two things before you move on to greener pastures.

First, you are never too old to start getting yourself back in shape. I spent 57 years as a couch potato. Ballooned up to 275 lbs. Couldn't climb two flights of stairs without stopping to gasp for breath at the top. Today I did a 42 mile cycle loop at 16 mph into a 20 mph headwind and felt pretty good at the end.

Second, a bike is a great way to actually see the area you live in. I can go 175 miles in a car in the same time that it takes me to go 40 on a bike, but I will see more new and wonderful things in those 40 miles than I would see in 1000 miles of 70 mph blur. Today I saw a flock of geese take off from a field, circle to form a vee and start away on their next leg to their escape from winter . In a car I would have blasted past before the first dozen got off the ground.

Anyway, I'm off to the wonderful world of blogging. I hope that it works out and that I can keep it going for a time at least. Feel free to comment. You may even get a reply. I've made a few good online friends by commenting on their blogs and I hope that your comment may make me a few more.

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