Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cell Phone Woes

My Nokia Verizon cell phone bit the dust yesterday. I used it on Monday, pugged it in to charge Monday night and when I took it off the charger on Tuesday morning it was hotter than a pistol and would not turn on. I called the number from another phone an it kicked immediately into voice mail.

This afternoon I took it into the Verizon shop and got about what I expected. NOTHING! The "serviceman" looked it over, said that indeed it was dead and that it was also outside of warranty. Suprise. I could buy a replacement for it (cheapest was $215), I could get a replacement by extending my contract with Verizon for 2 years for only (ONLY) $114 pus tax, or I could do without. Mind you I would still have to keep paying the $79 monthly charge without any phone service at all. Final option, I could cancel my service entirely but the cancellation charge was $175.

In other words, they sold a cheap phone that will not last and no matter what, I have to pay a substantial sum for nothing that they shouldn't already have given me.

Recommendation, stay away from Verizon.

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